Pagina Madre

Questo spazio web è interamente dedicato agli aspetti misterici dello Staigh Alieno. E' connesso in modo indissolubile al blog:
(La Pagina Madre)
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Grazie infinite per la pazienza.

Cos'è lo Staigh?

Uno Staigh è un clan di esseri alieni che vive nell'illegalità delle tenebre, nel sottosuolo delle grandi città umane terrestri. Vive e muore secondo un oscuro sistema di leggi e riti noti solo a loro, ma pericolosi tanto da mettere in discussione l'Ordime Mondiale o Nuovo Ordine del Mondo degli umani. Poichè l'Ordine Mondialeè sorto sulle basi di uno scellerato patto umano - alieno, questi clandestini si trovano a vivere contro ogni codice, sia sulla terra quanto sul loro pianeta. Un tempo vennero sul mondo umano per combattere e conpuistare il pianeta, poi avvenne il patto e loro si ritrovarono come una 'zavorra' scomoda per i loro stessi capi. Cacciati dal loro mondo perchè reduci pericolosi, interrati dalla memoria umana come criminali di guerra, ora i generali alieni si sono strutturati dei loro regni sotterranei, chiamati gli Staigh, o Staighài nella lingua degli alieni guerrieri, pronti a combattere e a difendere sino all'ultimo soldato la loro nuova e misteriosa esistenza, contro un sistema nato non col combattimento, ma dall'inganno...

sabato 11 luglio 2009


Alcune informazini circa iel Tavole e i Due Templi. La conoscenza gunge attraverso tasmettitori dei Lacerta dissidenti. Non possiamo quindi scrivere ulteriori rivelazioni. il pezzo è inglese.

In 3400 BC the Human race started the most building of the her world, this construction has to been edified by ancestral King Saulm On I, borned in the Carnak tribe come from ancent reigns of Jordan River in Middle Orient. The building was edified on square plan, and must has to been build as the ancent dream of Gods City.
Elsewhere, in a different time, and other space, something else was borning. In fact in the many long ago to Eart, in obscury star system of Canis Majoris, another people builded her Temple. This construction was builded with a circus plan, and was edificated so as to wather and fire’s cult. The Circus Temple was to be builded also so order to much important cult of Draco’Egges. This cult was celebrate togheter at the vert ptimitive cult of Wather and Fire. The temple is image of the Draco’s Nest. Into the Draco’S Nest ( this is the name of Sirius Temple) has to been celebrated by the Warriors Wizards and the
Primary Master the rituals of fertility and the king’s power.

As a result of the fortification of the constructions, the Sirian’s Temples was called: ‘The Castle of The Power, because their cults of the King’s Power. Now in fact, this building know to
While on the Eart the human peolple don’t know the greats cities, and was not divided in states or greats tribes. But a firsth nucleic group of his Families started to live togheter next the Jordan, Tigri and Euphrate rivers. This is the most important organized human clan, know to the Noo Hoes Clan.
Who is Noo Hoes? He was the first man that builded the greates floating construction never seen in the human world, and his plan for this incredible building came given gives from secret Council of Priests that handed on the ancent art of construct great boat and great stilt house on the wather of the Egeo Sea. The Most important of those priest was En-Noo-Och, the legend second he is the mitic father of Noo Hoes.

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